Thursday, October 6, 2005

A Slow start Subbing

    We finally got Dippy fixed last Wednesday as she prematurely gave birth to 3 fetus' Tuesday night.   I let her outside yesterday afternoon and true to form has not returned as she left 4 weeks ago when we 1st planned on getting her fixed.   Blanco and Melon are very happy being housecats and now sleep with us when they aren't chasing each other all over the house.   It has been a great Fall with warm temperatures and our needed rain turning everything back to the green life.   I've been subbing only about 2 days a week with only 2 jobs not at Elmwood.   I miss not being in the classroom everyday with students.   On the downside my shoulder is still restricted and painful due to the  day the hornets attacked me and I overextended my bad left shoulder trying to get away.   Jon won $75 at the Holy Cross festival on Saturday night while Lukas got to drive home as I finished off the Pale India Ale.   Time will take it's time and we need the patience to understand the waiting of time's course and our destiny.