Friday, December 31, 2010

Decade Ending

2010 is about over, another decade has passed. My problem with the 1800-3004000 phone calls which began on November 10th ended December 28th, as on Christmas day, the good Lord revealed the source of my 4:02 and 4:05 a.m. misery. The caller ID revealing SecureCare Technology 1512-3668505 as the contact to stop what the FCC did not do for me despite my 4 filed complaints. I proctored at Cooley and read Tortilla Flat and Survival in Auschwitz, by Primo Levi. I also read the short novels Bunner Sisters,by Edith Wharton, and The Monster, by Stephen Crane, and The Pupil, by Henry James. Jane got her new stove thanks to John Fox, April's dad who did the electrical work and Simon and April who bought the exhaust hood which is still to be delivered. We ended our 3 weeks of under 32 degrees temperature and the snow melt this week. Jane's car got new brakes and I'm babying my transmission for as long as it will last or a great deal comes up for a new vehicle. Thank you Lord for another year and the blessings of health and family. I recollect on the 6 decades of life, as another begins with new challenges of age and experience.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Passing of Time

The school year is passing quickly and I'm staying busy at Elmwood subbing for Mrs. Mosher who is doing the resource room. Making note of time passes us by as we busy ourselves without reflection. The Fall was mild and the snow came over the weekend with 5" and the temperatures dropping into the teens and 20s for the high. Gloria and Holly were here in October for Wyatt's baptism and Petra's dinner ambush of Simon bringing unneeded drama. The boys are finishing their classes and we managed their schedules. Jane is working many hours as usual for Christmas time and she had Thanksgiving here. MSU had an unbelievable football season and I was able to see Brandon and Mandy perform with Eastern's band. The Republicans triumphed during the elections and Obama will now have to show skills in negotiating health care reform and revitalizing the economy. We finally got the ceiling in the hallway fixed and tore out the carpeting there to await some replacement and the diminishing of the cats. Recovery is progressing and sustainability is still in question but life goes on with the passing of time. Nothing profound but openness allows us opportunity for progress.