Monday, November 26, 2018

Coping With Uncertainty

   We spent the weekend in Valpo as Jane is staying until Friday to take care of the boys. Sharon is going to a conference in California so Jane gets to stay and come home on the train and bus. We had Thanksgiving, Thursday with Jane's brothers and Gramma eating Honeybaked ham and turkey. We took some of the leftovers to Valpo and still have plenty to finish. The end of October Jim and Betty celebrated their 60th Anniversary and Jon and family were here for the mass at St Jude's and the dinner at the Cadgewith Farms Clubhouse. Gramma also spent that weekend at our house so we all had a great visit. The doctor confirmed my carpel tunnel in my right hand but since it hasn't prevented me from being able to do things we'll monitor for now. Elmwood finally hired Mr. Hager's replacement the 16th so now Mrs. Delaney is in charge and she seems well qualified. Oh yeah, there was an election November 6th that overall restored my faith in America and hopefully some checks and balances to the trumpery that was threatening our democracy and freedom. Steve Reck brought over the settee that my parents courted on and that Hannah will get to restore. On October 22 I got to talk to Ray Curtin a childhood friend from the St Joe/Main Street days as his mother passed away. I also found out his brother Bill passed the year before as there was only a private service. Life is full of uncertainties that we must learn to cope with like the 6.6" of today's snow day.