Saturday, April 27, 2019

April Come She Did

   I turned 68 this month as my license and plates were renewed. Jane and I went to Cracker Barrel for lunch and with the boys to DeLuca's for dinner. We went to the Y all spring break week and fish fries every Friday mostly at the K of C Hall. We were in Valpo for Easter and brought Spanish rice and blueberry-rhubarb crisp to share along with buckets for the boys of Easter goodies. We still have not warmed up too many days  with only a couple of days above 70.  Larry put in the new shower door in the bedroom bath as we fix things up in the bathrooms. I had a wart removed from my left bicep by Josh the 3rd and Lukas and I went to the MSU Science Fair on April 6th. April has come and soon to be gone like living in the USA. The primrose blooms have given the assurance of new life having risen as our hope and promise!