Thursday, July 16, 2020

New Account

   Yesterday Andrew and Jane took Gramma to LAFCU and she opened a new account while closing out the one set up last October that had an ATM card issued to Gloria that Gramma did not want. As of now they have not reacted but tomorrow we will find out when they take her over to Petra's for the weekend. We need Gramma's SS#  to open the account and have her checks direct deposited in it. Gramma has been staying with us Tuesday through Friday since she got back from Florida. Last Tuesday Jane requested of them to show us and Gramma her LAFCU statements but instead of complying Gloria started attacking Jane about it and we left with Gramma. On Thursday Andrew reported them for elderly abuse and Eaton Co. called to talk to her but Gramma could not hear or understand the questions so Jane gave her the story and they are investigating. The case worker suggested changing Gramma's account and we had Gramma sign permission for them to investigate her finances and health records. Gloria and Petra had a whole week to do the right thing but their coldness sealed their fate.  I had my teeth cleaned at Dr. Rashid's on July 6 as Midwest Dental is no longer in Lansing. We had a visit with Jim and Betty on Friday the 3rd and on the 12th went to the Turner-Dodge mansion for a get together for Gregg's son Alex and future wife Molly as they had planned this to be a meet and greet for them when they were going to get married in May but had to postpone it. We took Peg as Lori had to go to the U.P.  They had stopped by during the week and we told her we would take Peg and the weather was just right after the long 10 day stretch of 88+ temperatures. I have been going to mass Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:10 and Sundays at 7:30.  Covid-19 is spiking again this time mostly in the south and the worse in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California. Many states are making masks mandatory indoors and in large crowds to help stop a new wave of devastation. Globally cases are at 13.7 million with 586,000 deaths, in the U.S. there are now 3.5 million cases and 138,000 deaths, and in Michigan 72,000 cases and 6,100 deaths. Meanwhile our president still dismisses its danger and finally wore a mask in public while spreading his misinformation and division!