Monday, July 27, 2015

June was Hottest Month ever Recorded

  The heat index has been soaring over most of the U.S. this summer as June was the hottest ever recorded for planet Earth and the year will surely break records. 4 continents are experiencing historic droughts in California, Brazil, South Africa, and North Korea but global warming can't be a reason for all this? Or perhaps it's the Middle East effect of chronic lack of water being forced upon all by the threat of Islamic interference with world politics?  Well at least we can swim in our oceans to safely escape the heat and dry conditions?  What? They had to detonate a World War 2 bomb shell that showed up on a beach near Tampa last Sunday. There are millions of unused bombs off the U.S. coast that had been dumped by our military before it was banned in 1970 by the Pentagon. These were left over from World War 2 and dumped to the seafloor usually 50 miles offshore and Korean  and Vietnam munitions later were added mostly in the Gulf of Mexico.  But a 2009 report to Congress lists there are sea disposal locations dating from 1917 that include 26 in the Northeast, 17 in the Southeast, 9 in the West, and 20 near Alaska and Hawaii.  A 2012 study by Texas A&M oceanographers estimated there are 30 million pounds of bombs in 7 main dump sites in the Gulf of Mexico. Please forget about the 5.5 million acres of wildfires in the U.S. mostly out West as they are not causing the mass killings and violent incidents that have been heating up the headlines this summer. Otherwise things might be just fine if it wasn't for Donald Trump spewing hate and ignorance into the political state of buying votes and influence. Is it too late to hide our heads in the sand and declare global warming does not exist? Wait, too many politicians have already beat us to that punch again! Well, Jane and I did go to Potters Park Zoo and we survived the Alvarado Reunion and our wellness check-ups. Here in Michigan we have avoided the 90 degree temperatures and have enjoyed some concerts in the park in Lansing and our yard looks better than it ever has as far as landscaping.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Them Changes are Big

  Starting on June 17 when an idiot killed 9 people at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston SC trying to incite racial rioting there has been a climate of unity and divide in our nation.  Racists use it to espouse their hate but true Christians will overcome the walls of despair created by the evil ones. Add to the problem the Supreme Court's decisions on the Affordable Care Act and the same-sex marriage, SCOTUS ruling the controversy only increases. ObamaCare is not faultless but it is necessary to give health care to as many as possible. I believe in the legality of same sex unions but as a Catholic I cannot call it marriage. The Supreme Court's ruling is not sacred and now marriage has been redefined as a civil business matter.  As a nation there is so much that brings us together but currently there is two extreme ends that are trying to tear us apart again like the days of the Civil War. An example is the Confederate flag still being flown in Southern state's government property. They can still sell that flag for Southern history privately but it represents the fight over slavery which divided our nation and cost many lives and is the shame of our democracy. I pray our country will remain true to God's laws and the guidance they have given us for direction and personal freedom and beliefs. I can't keep from crying sometimes, my mama she's dead and gone and I'm so all alone, thank you God for your mercy and consolation! Our minds are going through them changes that have us running and hiding but we are going somewhere cause life is filled with changes.