Thursday, October 8, 2020

Waited Long Enough

   September has come and passed. Summer ended and autumn has set in with shorter days. Gramma had a tooth pulled and teeth cleaned along with a good check up from Sparrow Senior Health. Her doctor agreed to take her off Xanax that she was put on for the anxiety created by Petra and Gloria. Lisa and Elidia have come over to visit and agree how much better Gramma is doing despite Petra's false reporting. On the 9th we had our vacation in Grand Haven. This year we stayed at Antony's House which was much bigger being on 2 levels and stayed until the 17th. Everyone was there for a time with Phillip and Stephanie coming on the 10th being picked up in Grand Rapids. Stephanie left on the 13th but Jon and Sharon were there from the 11th through the 13th so everyone had some time together. Phillip flew out on the 16th but not after losing his wedding ring in Lake Michigan. Fortunately he called Ringfinders and with the metal detector and Simon staying in the area where it was lost. Phil lost it as he tried to catch a football but they were able to find it in about 20 minutes. Simon though found out he had left his cell phone in his shorts and lost it also but was able to retrieve his info from the cloud when he got his new phone. The weather and the smoke in the sky from the wildfires out west gave us hazy sunshine that also kept the temperatures down and it being after Labor Day not as much to do especially with the covid restrictions. Uncle Andy stayed with Gramma at our house and they survived the 8 days. I replaced the garbage disposal and the bathroom fan in the week after vacation. I had new tires put on the Malibu and the oil changed. On the 30th we had our zoom meeting with Eaton County on Gramma's guardianship and Shine Advocacy was given approval from us and Petra to takeover. We visited Uncle Angelo and Aunt Lenny at their house and had dinner with Gramma and he also brought over a cherry pie. Finally we're into October and Gramma had her hearing aids fixed at Accuquest and had her toe nails and callus removed by Podiatry Plus. Trump has the covid virus and had 3 treatments and hospital stay after his embarrassing debate debacle. We all voted by absentee ballot and pray that our country will survive the election! World wide there are now 36,353,000 cases and 1,059,000 deaths, in the U.S. there are 7,600,000 cases and 212,500 deaths while in Michigan there are 132,000 cases and 6,900 deaths. So much has been put off while struggling with the new life we are learning. God help US please!