Sunday, May 22, 2016

May I? I May.

   I've been busy subbing pretty much everyday. For Mother's Day we had Ya Ya's chicken and it was a sunny day. Dr. Noud said I've healed and recovered better than 80% of his patients. We visited Phillip May 13-15th and stopped at Cuyhoga National Park and went to the small waterfalls. We went through the McKinley Presidential Museum and did I say I snored during the Planetarium show? Phillip got his new table and king mattress while we were that afternoon. We got a new self-propelled lawn mower and it did a great job after the hour it took me to put it together. We had dinner at Logan's with Jim and Betty and she is doing well but Jim is experiencing early dementia. We also had dinner with the Hokesema's on Cinco de Mayo at Los Tres Amigos. We will have record temperatures for the first half of the year worldwide but some accuse people questioning our role in global warming as socialists and anti-capitalistic. The plants and trees are growing and greening, maybe they can help save us misguided souls. I did get warned about talking anti- Trumpism at Fairview School as I was talking about bullies and a child told their parent who opposes politics that's different from his. Bless his pointed head, I'll quell my politics for the sake of not being accused of being a bully myself! Did Trump say there was no drought in California and that Hilary is making things up about him?