Saturday, December 8, 2012

Right to Work Agenda

    This week the lame duck Republican legislature of Michigan has pushed its regressive right to work agenda through both branches to wait the governor's signature. President Obama was reelected so the tea party Nazis are fighting socialism by turning back the progressive clocks to the days of serfdom. Jon is getting married and we have met his intended and her family who are from Iowa. We met them at a restaurant in New Buffalo with Elder Joe, wife Connie, and Sharon who dress conservatively in the Apostolic tradition. This has given Jane much anxiety and need to adjust to a different value system and lifestyle. I've been working everyday and being busy helps to deal with all the tension around from varying sources. It has been a mild fall with only 2 snow flurry episodes to date as the USA will likely record its warmest year ever. Grampa is out of Tendercare West and recovering well from his bout with pneumonia and trying to catch up slowly with his health and Gramma's. I've added Siriusxm Internet radio and can listen in the house to Deep Tracks and the 60's Survey comfortably anytime. The world is still a scary place that challenges and makes us see how fragile life and integrity is when left to man's reason. Thanksgiving was celebrated here and went well with plenty of food and blessings to be grateful for.  Thank you God for you are good and we are weak being lost without looking to you for the path to true salvation that this world is only an obstacle to reach.  Cleanse us in peace and tranquility above our limited minds.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Political Bombardment

   It has been a busy season for substituting with nice pretty mild weather. All of the flowers in the planters are still alive and thriving though they usually are faded or dead by now.  George McGovern died Oct.21 at the age of 90. In 1972 he was the Democratic candidate for president and I campaigned and voted for him but he was too liberal for America and lost by a landslide though in reality he spoke the truth about the Vietnam War.  Each month continues to bring record temperatures as September rated the warmest ever for the USA.  The Tigers won the American league pennant but were swept by San Francisco in the World Series.  One more week until the presidential election so hearing and seeing politics fills all the gaps that money can buy.  Jon announced to us yesterday he is engaged to be married.  Grampa has been in the hospital since last Wednesday with pneumonia. We are in the process of painting the family room and ceiling as well as replacing the fan and shower door.  The winds of change blow and yet so much stays the same.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day 2012

   The week before Jane and I went to Pier View at Grand Haven I proctored at Cooley and read The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.  Tom Wolfe's book about Ken Kesey and LSD trips in the 60;s in California took most of the week to read. Jane and I spent the week alone except for Joan Lopez  coming on Sunday afternoon. We went to breweries, museums, parks and shopping with good weather and quality time together. We went to Brian Trudell's wedding and reception and had a good time despite Aunt Peg's complaining remenences.The boys are back in school though Lukas is only taking 1 class as he is reevaluating his education plans. Simon if he successfully completes sobriety court for a year, will lose any felony charges after his court date. He has moved in with April and hopefully this will help him to stay on the straight and narrow. Jon has bought a house in Hebron Indiana and will be moving in soon.  Hurricane Issac caused its problems in New Orleans last week and bringing plenty of rain in its path. The political season is beginning its blustery occupation heading to the election day drama.  Summer is over though it is still hot and labor union workers now in Michigan are only 17.5% as opposed to 26% in 1989. Time will tell the future of labor but with less unionization there will only be a bigger gap between the classes with a minimizing of the middle class that is the foundation of this nation. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


   Waiting. Waiting to write, to think, to create, to fill a void or to avoid. All the feral cats are gone but Rusty and Chocolatte, as they went to the Capital Area Human Society to be euthanized.The cat farm is under control as July stayed hot and the days dragged on. Just sit by the air conditioner and exist to minimalist living. Waiting for some rain to refresh and cool but only the electric bill doubles. Life floats by guided by
humid winds and scorching sun with late relief to revive us. Helping the in-laws with their bills and insurance makes me of some use. Another Alvarado family reunion divides further the unanswered questions that beg to be resolved. I went to Francis Park to see Mr. Paul from the bakery on his 90th birthday and share memories of our wedding cake and his baking dedication. Waiting for school to start so as to ritualize purpose and meaning. With new glasses I can proceed with a new outlook of challenge and direction. Waiting for conclusion to bring justification for this inspiration beyond Bob Dylan. One certainty is we will always be waiting. Finally confirmation from NOAA that July was the hottest ever according to the U.S. Climate Extreme Index dating back to 1900. This factors temperatures, precipitation and storms to calculate extremes beating the old record of 1934. Scientists say July was the hottest ever in the lower 48 states with a 77.6 average beating 1936 by 0.2 degrees on records dating to 1995. This has also been the warmest 12 months on record thanks to the temperatures so far in 2012.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hottest Day Ever

 July 6, Friday, 103 degrees at 3:53, was the hottest day ever in all the years since 1863 for temperature in Lansing. The temperature has been 90 and higher for a week and we've had little rain for weeks. Last Saturday Simon called from the Lansing Jail for his 3rd DUI and Sunday after his arraignment we bailed him at 2:00 with his $500. He faces 2 felonies and will pay $10,000 to Mike Nichols to defend him. He has to go each morning for his PBT tests and is going daily to AA meetings. Again this is a step backward but if it finally changes his life it could be the blessing, we could not impress on him. We have also been taking feral cats to the Capital Area Humane Society to satisfy Mike and Eddie Chahine and to end their nuisance problem.  We have rented 2 traps to expedite the battle as well as the battle Eddie created by yelling at Jane and slamming the door in her face when she went to explain to them about what we were doing and he claiming our lying  about getting rid of the cats in 2 weeks. We were in Jackson for Todd Longs daughter's grad on June 10th after first going to Brandon's here at Granger Park. We did not get lost, thanks Mapquest, and though it was in the 90's the food was good and we had a nice visit with the Medranos. Jane and I have been to a couple of concerts for LCC and the City Parks but hope to have some of the stress to ease up soon and enjoy some more. The grass is like hay but we've kept the flowers growing and doing quite well. With God's help so to should go the garden of our lives.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Father's Reflections

   Another school year has come to an end and many changes lay ahead next fall. We went to Cam's grad party last Saturday in Zeeland. Greg and Debbie mentioned how I had turned them on to music when they used to come over to my parents, Uncle Albert and chemicals. My own sons have been critiquing me as a father for the better and worse. I know I made mistakes but also let them make their own, though I may have expected too much or too little of them at times. Jane and I were at the cemetery Memorial weekend and cleaned graves,between the Bozzos. We also went to a Lugnut game courtesy of Cooley Law and Lou Ann Hall. We also watched Brandon graduate from Eastern last Sunday at the Lansing Center and will go to his party tomorrow. I am now an extraordinary minister at St. Gerards after my hiatus after Holy Cross closed. A classmate Jerry Bryant died June 2 in Ohio. It had been 12 years since I last talked with him at Holy Cross just after he had retired from GM. Reflections shine, dim and pass noticed or forgotten exposing glances of lives timely spent. Words only scratch at the surface of what lies underneath layers of thoughts unwritten. Lukas has finally went to work at MSU working in the dorms for the summer. He gets to work at 6:00 in the morning until 3:00 and Phillip is unpaid interning at Christman's and and paying for the school credits to do it. So I'll spend time chauffeuring them to work an early morning rising.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

The classes I've been subbing for this past week have either had messed up lesson plans or students off task. The spring weather is more normal now but the early warmth has caused problems for the cherries, grapes, apples and pears causing much damage to the fruit crop. I read Sanctuary by Falkner,The Bomb Party by Graham Greene and Miss Lonely Hearts by Nathaniel West during exams at Cooley this spring. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of my brother John and 38th for my dad's passing. I went to 2 concerts at LCC last week and they were both very good. One was the Jazz Band and the other the Lansing Concert Band, both playing music not usually heard. I've mowed the grass 4 times and the average temperature for April was less than March's. Jane is still having pain in her jaw and is back on medication while she now has to send proof of job inquiries for her unemployment.  Freedom is worth protecting and to cherish it is to know it's value and need with the responsibility required.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Over 60, Is It True That I'm No Longer Young?

Lather was 61, April Fools Day. After the warmest March on record with temperatures broken daily for over a week in the upper 70's and 80's, due to an abnormal jet stream. The highest March reading of 87 degrees was recorded which previously had not been attained until late April.  This week is spring break and Holy Week so I have been catching up on yard work from the November snow storm and due to the early warm weather cutting the grass today, when late April is usually the first cut.  Also back on February 15th the Eaton County Road Commission cut down the around 100 year old ash tree that was by our driveway because it was a victim of the ash borers. It is so different backing out of the driveway without having the tree blocking your view and to look across the street unimpeded. The tree lived so much longer than I will and now is fire wood for Basil and a man on Delta River Drive who came by, cut up and hauled away the rest. I ended my para-pro job at H B Woods for Scott March 6th as he got a Dewitt employee to take over but it was good for me as one week I lost my voice and wouldn't have been able to teach anyway. Is it true that I"m no longer young or is it all just a state of mind still without determined borders? Like Lather I should be told I"m not old and Fools who admit to it are better off than the plain old foolish. MSU ended up in a 3 way tie and then won the Big 10 tournament and then made it to the sweet sixteen but lost to Louisville. But Draymond did take the career rebound lead in his last game.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Draymond 1,000 Rebounds

Tonight Draymond Green had another double-double and got his one thousandth career rebound for MSU in their win over Nebraska. That makes Draymond the 4th Spartan to do so.  Tom Izzo could get his 7th Big Ten title with a win in the last 2 games. I have been substituting as para-pro for Scott at Herbison Woods and following him through his day of half work, part play, mostly pain in the ass.  My laser surgery came out fine and is looking good. I lost power last night by putting my foot on the surge protecter switch so this is a 2 day blog. We are currently tied for the 4th mildest winter for temperature at 30.4 degrees due to the jet stream as the 6" snow Friday put that total at about normal.  President Obama's healthcare mandate of forcing benefits on religous groups who oppose abortion gives the freedom of religion an unfortuate challenge. As much as people need better healthcare it cannot be forced unwillingly upon everyone against their conscience on moral issues.  Just as their is freedom from religion where I would not force my religion on anyone, including having my own family to go to church with me. So too this mandate is endangering the freedom of many to participate in medical procedures they morally oppose. Freedom makes this  great counrty what it is and belief in a life giving God cannot be ignored  by public policy that dosen't protect human dignity and rights.  I trust the legacy of Draymond Green at MSU and his dedication to doing right will follow him throughout his life and future career. No one is perfect but we must do right by all to be remembered long beyond our time on earth as being a positive influence in leaving the world as a better place.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mild Winter So Far

On  Saturday January the 21st there was a mass for Uncle Tomas at Christo-Rey and a dinner.  There was an excellent meal attended by about a 100 people with rolls and cookies donated by Paneras', along with chicken and rice from the church funereal group. Money found in Uncle Tomas' safe paid for his funereal though there is a question as to what happened to his monies.  I had my laser surgery done on my forehead to remove the mass of veins that looked like a pimple by Dr. Landis last Monday. Lukas' surgery on his nose seems to have helped with his breathing , and Phillip is doing an internship with Christman's downtown this term and is keeping busy.  The weather has been very mild for late January and early February with little snow or temperatures below 20 degrees.  Thoughts are evasive in this political year that leaps into corrections that weigh our futures.  The Super Bowl was won by the NY Giants with a boring halftime show by Madonna.  I watched the game sporadically and even missed the commercials which are the major purpose for this diversionary game.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Uncle Tomas' Final Walk

 Late Saturday night Uncle Tom was discovered on the basement floor, again and was taken to the hospital.  He had bleeding in his brain and this time his prognosis was not good so no surgery was done and he died the next morning at 8:30, with his family present before they took off the life support he was on.  He was cremated as he did not leave money or clear directions for a funereal. His daily walks have come to an end on this earth, but many will remember the man who walked to the mall for so many years as a religious routine.  On Tuesday I met Gabor Hardy at his friend's place in Okemos for dinner and reminiscing. We had a good visit talking about people and places we had shared memories of from school.  On New Years Eve we went to World Buffet with the Hokesema's and then to their house for games and the ball drop. Luke and I went to midnight mass at Christmas for the first time in many years, as we earlier had dinner with the family here. Jane found out from a customer of Fabiano's, she ran into at Panera, that she no longer worked there any more. Luke had nose surgery and they have begun their new term at MSU as Phillip is on the Deans List for last term. Life is a walk and one day it will be our last but like Uncle Tom we should cherish them until we no longer are capable.  The walk of life is our journey uniquely made by us.