Friday, April 25, 2008

Gier Park

I'm sitting here while the students are outside at Gym so I decided to blog.   It has finally warmed up and spring brings baseball for Phillip, who has pitched in relief 3 times now.  His team has tied 2 games but have not yet won.  The grass is growing and turning green as the tulips are budding today.  I've been busy subbing and try to get online when I can at different schools as they run much faster than at home.    I'm in Ms. Fawcett's first grade in the very back of the school.  I subbed this class earlier this year and today is pretty good with 2 specials in the afternoon.  I did a poetry lesson the other day in Ms. Byrd's class at Elmwood and we had a really good day.  May is almost here and teaching days will become few.  I better get my act together for the summer doing something.   Tonight I went to Pattengill to watch Brandon and Mandy perform some skits with their drama club.  We had lasagna provided by the school in the cafeteria.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Alexander Pratt happy 100th birthday!

  Today would have been my father's 100th birthday.  I called my nephews and nieces to remind them so they could remember him and unite family.  Friday was the 40th year since Martin Luther King's assassination in Memphis.   I was collecting for the Lansing State Journal with my friend Tom Phillips on Hume Street when we went to the Waverly Laundromat to get dollars for all the change.  As we got inside the TV was talking about Dr. King's death.  I also just finished a 13 day assignment at Waverly East Int. for Mrs. May 5th grade.  It was a real challenge with a class that has had many subs and in need of reorganization.  I did the lesson planning for the last 2 weeks and though there were students that either were suspended during my stay or pains in the butt, there were some really nice students like Corbin that helped me see the light.  Jorden Wigton, who I had at Windemere Park was in Mr. Wood's class that I had for Science as we team taught.  Phillip is in Orlando, at Disney for spring baseball with the Waverly team.  Jane and Grandma were in Florida for Easter week as she was Holly's confirmation sponsor.  The last 2 days have finally given us our reintroduction to spring as it has hit the 60s.  Happy birthday dad, my hope is someone remembers me when 100 hits me.