Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Slush Thoughts

I just finished my 5 days of proctoring at Cooley and read A Separate Peace and Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis . We are on winter break from school and only Jane works the Christmas candy rush. We've had our snow for a few weeks now and the temperature has been around the 30's also. Aunt Anita is in the hospital and is trying to regain her strength in the cancer ward at Sparrow. The boys got 4 points in all their classes but a 3 Phil got in Writing. Christmas is sneaking up more this year than ever as a combination of economy, age and being on Friday. Last Sunday Jane, Andy and I went to Mason to have 4 of the cats spayed and 2 who had respiratory infections treated instead. Hisster, Big Orange, Minky, and Smokey Bones got fixed as they had a deal Andy got us from the Ingham Shelter, next to the jail. So we've had all 8 cats in the house for over a week now. Waverly Road has been open and realigned for over a month and greatly improved. All the schools are cost cutting in order to balance budgets effected by funding cuts by the governor. The health care bill is still evolving waiting to become a reality as the conservatives fight socialism for their own corporate greed. We can't always get what we want but hopefully we'll get what we need for the benefit of all.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

O'Rafferty-40th Reunion

Last night was the 40th class reunion at Reno's East for the 1969 class. Steve Morris and Mary Jo Maloney(Dehaven) organized the event that the previous reunion people had abandoned. With images scanned from the Silhoutte yearbook covering the wall screens of the nonsmoking area 30 class members had a great time renewing friendships from 7:00 until almost midnight. Many pictures were taken and those present agreed to try it again in 5 years instead of the past 10 year reunions. I did not go to the 10th and 30th ones as I had a party to celebrate my MSU graduation at he 10th and we had Simon's LCC controversy going on at the 30th. I got to talk with Ed Troshak, Steve Martin, Dan Richardson and Kevin Finnerty quite a bit as well as Kathy Gross(Assiff), Suzy Celentino(O'Dell), and Rosie Kain(Mehaffey). Bob Raby was taking lots of pictures and Suzy and Rosie wanted to have a picture with me. The only person who needed a designated driver was Mary Scully. John Kelley stayed for about 2 hours and snuck out as I had asked him were his coat was and he said he left it in his car. Many from our class are retired like me and Steve Martin reminded us about the severe weather going on during our graduation ceremony at Sexton. That's when I found out some boys had left on vacation instead from George Bridson. The only people I did not recognize at all was Cindy Prentler and Beth Oberlin. 13 of the attendees were from Holy Cross the most of all the parish schools. Jon was home for Thanksgiving which was at the Ybarras. Jane has been working extra hours and the boys have one more week of school and seem to be doing very good. Maybe the meek will inherit the Earth and blessed are the peacemakers. But it sure is great to have a head of hair and be within 10 pounds of 40 years ago!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Approaching Halloween

I have been busy subbing this school year. Today I was at Waverly East and the Halloween party. I've been to Elmwood, Scott, Cumberland, and Riddle many times so far. The weather has been mild and the leaves are starting to come down now. What was bright yellow and red background is now turned grey and empty with the decaying of leaves on the ground. Jane is now full time at Fabiano's and got a raise 2 weeks ago. We visited Helen Reck at Tendercare West, she is 95 but still very aware of everything. Michelle Fedewa died and we went to Tiffany's and took Ed dinner last Saturday. Phillip started painting the house but still has the upper east side to finish as Luke and I also worked at it. Jon may have fixed the roof this last time tarring the seams thoroughly as no leaks have dripped while it's rained hard. The budget of the state threatens education as the federal budget increases. Someday there will have to be the reckoning of debt and the extravagances of the rich and want-to-bes. All Hallows Eve is approaching with the full moon and the fall back of daylight savings and time. We had 9 visitors this year compared with an average of 3 a year since 1975. All Saints Day and All Souls Day will be the fate of true believers, Amen!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flowers on the Wall

Jane and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary, Sunday at Smokey Bones. Rachel helped Jane pick out and plant flowers to replace the bushes in front of the house that had been there for 20 some years. Phillip had tore out the bushes and put in the black soil and mulch. Jon was here for the Labor day extended weekend and returned to Indiana today. We had a nice cookout at Ybarra's Saturday and the weather this past week has been sunny, in the 70s, and cool at night. Today is Beatles day as their remastered songs were debuted and a new generation will fall under their influence. Tony got out of Clinton County Jail yesterday and turned 18 today. Instead of counting flowers on the wall we all could follow Obama's advice to school children and make our lives better by working hard toward beneficial goals. Don't tell me I have nothing to do but you can remind me to get off my ass to do good in the world. I've been retired 8 years now and time should be my best friend but he is not kind to anyone. But without time we would go nowhere and stillness only freezes inaction to nothingness. Number 9/ Number 9/ Number 9.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A One Week Summer

We began our week at Grand Haven on the 8th of August this year, and it turned out being the only real summer weather of the year 2009. Except for a couple of days around Father's Day the sun and warm 80+ temperatures excelled during our week. Lukas and Phillip were with us all week, and John arrived Sunday through Wednesday, and Simon was with the Foxes on Sunday. At 6:30 Sunday we had our storm with 60+ mile an hour winds cutting electricity for an hour and taking out a tree outside the porch. It scared April and Jane was afraid the tree was going to blow over onto the roof, but outside that the sky was sunny and it was nice to be by the beach. We went swimming everyday for the first time I can remember and Wiley went with us for the first time and was a good boy! Last week I worked at Cooley proctoring for lap tops and accommodated exams all week, 37 hours. I read Steinbeck's In Dubious Battle, W. Somerset Maugham's The Narrow Corner, and Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust. None are great books but were interesting in their perspectives and historical times of reference. Lukas and Phillip are taking classes at LCC and hopefully they'll get there class schedules straightened out soon. I got my letter from MIP on my school retirement and service time which is 5.1204 years. This means I will need 5 more years of public school service for a pension or will need to move this money I've accumulated since I work for PESG now. Edward Kennedy died yesterday and has been featured on the news and TV networks honoring the liberal Camelot legacy now over. Birds cry outside and the air is cool as a health care bill waits for compromise that will never be fully what we need or want. Our fates await the passage of time which goes on as forever it will ,and nothing we say or do can change the natural course of nature and God.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Buddy Not Bud

Around an hour ago Little Buddy was hit by a car and died in front of our house. Lukas got home and told me and we looked out at the lifeless body in the street. Luke and I buried him in the back property line and we are sad to lose our cat that fetched the socks, teaching Wiley that trick. The white monkey will no longer climb the trees or screech when chased by Cappachino. It's been a boring summer but pleasant temperature wise. Lukas finished 2 classes at LCC and did really good, while Phil is still slowly learning all the things he'll need to do better at for college. Jon took the Indiana bar exam this week but has a wait before he finds out if he passed. Jane is going to be full time at Fabianos and hopefully getting a raise and benefits. I talked to John Magnotta at Meijers Saturday for about a half hour about high school and friends and his 20 years at the unemployment office. We had Sue Hauser over for spinach pie Sunday, 2 weeks after Ruby's 1st birthday party at Richard's house in Grand Ledge. I went to 2 more Blues on the Square concerts and will go tomorrow night after the Cooley proctors meeting. Everything seems to be losing its luster but I pray the joy of living will not fade with the passing days and the realization our time is shorter with all our loved ones. I miss Holy Cross and they've boarded up the rectory 2 weeks ago and the school over the weekend, the nails in the boards like the ones through Jesus' body and my heart. No more Beefus, Little Beefy, or Captain Beefheart with his sad eyes and goatee.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summertime of the Great Recession

GM has left bankruptcy after 40 days as the new leaner GM Co. leaving all its bad investments to the U S taxpayers. Doom looms over the economy as the recovery lingers on with all questioning are we going to be able to go back to business as usual? Even the comfortable are cutting back on the free spending that drives the economy and our record debt. Over a trillion dollars on the governmental level makes one wonder is this money really worth much?" Sha La LA lets live for today." Lukas had his wisdom teeth removed the day before we lost our dental insurance, which had been suggested years ago, saving us $1,700. I also lost our vision insurance as we also will pay double our current prescription co-pay, in hope of saving GM and my pension. Both boys will be at LCC this fall and I will be very limited on helping them. We were at Duck Lake for the 4th of July for the 1st time in 4 years as we will be in Grand Haven In August this year. I talked to my friend Mark Neering who is related to the family cottage next to the Beckers. I've been to Blues on the Square again this year staying until after 9:30 each night so far. It has been cooler this summer with little time hotter than the 80's here in Lansing. All the cats seemingly have had kittens making the population over 20 and mothers taking care of kittens that aren't even theirs. Kind of sounds like our society in general as we try to survive this Great Recession. We got a new refrigerator and hopefully a new stove soon as we try to catch up on overdue updates. Worry or not time and life goes on with us or without us, so with faith we march or dream on into the future. The diocese didn't give Holy Cross 40 hours before they boarded up the church and changed the locks. A heartless business where most thought the purpose was spirituality," someone's on the cross again/someone's throwing dice. " I freely quoted different songs throughout this blog without permission, please Lord forgive me!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holy Cross

I was baptised at Holy Cross and my brothers went to school there the years before I was born in 1951. My dad sang in the choir and I can remember singing Holy God We Praise Thy Name on Sundays of the Holy Name Society. I went with my parents often to the St. Anthony devotions on Tuesday nights. In September of 1956 I started school at Holy Cross to continue until June of of 1965. First and second grades were in the new part of the school which was not there when my brothers went there. For grades 3 thru 5 I was in the old building, and then back to the new section for the duration. At the start of fourth grade St. Gerards opened their school which was the beginning of the end. The church had also built a new friary for the Franciscans who had 3 priests there and made Holy Cross an unique parish. I walked home from school almost everyday once I was a little older with the Curtins who lived on Main Street. We walked down Jenison Street about a mile to Saint Joseph. We had a huge first communion class and third grade confirmation class also. On September 6,1975 Jane and I were married at 6:30 by Father Keith at Holy Cross. My mom,dad, and brother Frank were all buried out of Holy Cross. I was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, The Respect Life committee, and an Eucharistic Minister. Today is Fathers Day and the beginning of summer as well as the closing of Holy Cross parish at 1:00 this afternoon. I attended the last parish mass last night at 4:00 and the church was full to capacity and was a beautiful remembrance of my 58+ years of Holy Cross. Father Maurice did a great job and Father Pius gave me communion. I could not attend today as I was told I wouldn't be needed to be a minister for the bishop's dioceses closing the doors mass. I wanted to keep my positive memories so avoided the negative. It has been hard thinking about this final day as each week brought it closer, so I saved my emotions for this tribute to my parish, Holy Cross. Amen,that they can't take away from us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy Blur

It was a busy weekend with 5 open houses to attend and Phillip's graduation at MSU yesterday. On Saturday Waverly had their district baseball game against Charotte and Phil's first pitch went over the fence for a home run and the next 5 hitters also got on base to make it 4-0 and his coach decided to pull him, only to have 7 more runs score to make it 11-0 after one inning. There were some bad calls, all not in our favor and after 5 innings we were mercied 12-2. Our consolation was Charlotte was so hot they beat Hastings for the championship 18-5 in a mercy game. At the baseball banquet Phil got the Heart trophy and at the senior awards night was the recipient of the Alumni Award. At Matt Lottes open house one of his relatives asked me if I knew I looked like Francis Ford Coppola? Time flies by as I write this from Sheridan Road School Kindergarten, after being at East this morning in the last week of school. GM filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization today and I will lose my dental and optical insurance soon due to contract concessions. Nothing is guaranteed in this life and even the mightiest fall bringing down the dreams and promises that once were so secure. Without faith in God we would be lost, the flock dispersed.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Valparaiso Law

Yesterday we drove in a rented minivan to attend Jonathan's graduation at Valparaiso. It was a sunny warm day and it was held at the Chapel of the Resurrection. The ceremonies lasted about an hour and there was a luncheon at the new Christoper student center. We went to Culvers afterwards and all of us were so proud of Jon's determined accomplishment. Simon, April,Lukas ,and Phillip had left the night before and stayed at the Fairfield Inn which as it turned was in sight of the Chapel. Phillip is done with his classes at Waverly and will graduate in a week. His baseball team finished the season 14-13 and will play at Charlotte next Saturday in the districts. Phillip has a 3-1 record and pitched a 7 inning shutout at Oldsmobile Park in the Home Run for Hope tournament against Everett. He struck out 9 giving up 2 hits, a perfect day as his team later beat Eastern for the championship. This spring has been getting warmer after a very rainy April, so everything is green and growing. It has and will be a very busy May and early June with all the graduation parties. Today we celebrated Gloria's birthday and Jon's Graduation at Ybarras, as she and Natalie arrived Thursday and will be here until the 2nd. I have been subbing regularly at Riddle, 3 days a week. So much is coming to its completion as so much is also now beginning giving those mixed feelings of where are we heading and where have we been. Moving on will show what will be as contemplation only is a rest stop on this continuing journey for all of us seeking enlightenment.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Late Spring

Last week I proctored at Cooley and was able to read The Sun Also Rises and Pale Horse, Pale Rider. The irony is the news of a possible swine flu pandemic that has killed 149 and sickened thousands in Mexico and put the US on a state of alert, and the subject of the 1918 plague in Pale Horse. Lansing schools have also announced the closing of Moores Park School, where I was on Friday, and Grand River. Budgets are leaving all aspects of our society in situations that set us back 70 years in decisions on wages, health benefits, and priorities of survival. The closing of business', schools, and churches may only be a foreboding for lost pensions, social security, and other programs that depend on prosperity and good will to succeed. Phillip pitched a 7 inning complete game Saturday against Lakeview and got his first varsity win,15-6. The second game was stopped by a sudden storm that featured microbursts and heavy rain that flooded the field and caused its cancellation. They are currently 3-1 with 6 games being incomplete due to weather or darkness. Gramma had her 85th birthday Saturday and is a wonder of energy and beauty. Jane's Trigeminal Neuralgia has been bothering her again causing her to have extreme pain in her jaw. We are going to be very busy the next month so it could be triggered by stress or the changing of seasons as its initial onset was 2 springs ago. Life goes on and we cope or fight on until there is no alternative as change will always be a constant and we must go with the flow. We have just had our first temperatures in the 80's this weekend, and only hitting the 70's for the first time this year last week, we know everything comes in time and it can be sooner or later.

Friday, April 3, 2009

April 58

April Fools for the 58th time. I spent the morning at Waverly East and then worked out a real account with Comcast for the Internet as time had finally caught up with us over the weekend. We went to Finleys for my free dinner and I took all the congratulatory calls for my birthday. We still haven't had but one day of real spring weather as it is still cool. We have been busy working and that is good with record unemployment and GM's future still hanging in the balance. I've been to Holy Cross every weekend for mass to support Father Maurice. Plant 3 is becoming so bare you can almost see to Saginaw street from Willow,with only the front wall standing. Change is the constant that holds, divides, unites and releases us. Time goes on and to strive we must grow with life's challenges mixed with wisdom attained. The cycles of life, the seasons, aging, growing, fading, and eventual dying, go on with only the characters changing in due time. April Fools! MSU is in the NCAA finals against UNC.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snowy Cold Winter

We had 3 more inches of snow to give us 65 for the winter. Normal snowfall is 54.5 and we have had few days that have been much above freezing. Lukas is working at the high school 3 days a week for his Teacher Ed class helping with Math mostly. The economic stimulus has been passed now we'll wait to how much it helps in our nation's recovery. Beefus, the white monkey, has taken a liking to TV and computer screens as well as becoming a fetch cat with socks. Jane and I went to the premier of the movie Living Accused at the Lansing Mall this week. The movie was made by Artis White who Jane learned was the State Policeman suspected of killing his wife while she was entering Potters Park 8 years ago. The movie was about 4 people who spent jail time for crimes they were later found innocent of. GM stock fell to a 74 year low of $1.52 yesterday, which dates back to the Great Depression. A year ago that stock was worth $25.54 and now GM is asking for another 30 billion from the government to avoid a bankruptcy that would have an impact on everyone. There is record unemployment numbers already and banks are on the edge of failing and being nationalized. Welcome to reality America, rich or poor if we are to survive we all must face this danger seriously. Easy credit must end and we must live within more reasonable means or we all will be under the same scrutiny of suspected criminals.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Early 2009

On Tuesday this week Barack Obama became the 44th president. I was at Riddle School in the resource room and we watched the inauguration from about 11:30 until the students went to lunch. It has been cold here with last Friday's school being canceled because of the -25 degree wind chill. I found out 2 weeks ago at Holy Cross, that they were going to merge with St. Marys because the Franciscans are leaving. The following Sunday we quickly learned Holy Cross, my home parish for 58 years will be shut down, which saddened many after the initial shock of last weeks announcement. Mr. Blanco has been gone for 3 months now and considered MIA. His place has been taken by Beefus and La'Orange who are living the high life. I got new glasses last week that are of a different style and lighter than I had and Jane says makes me look younger. Luke has begun a new term and I've found GM has suspended the dependant tuition refund plan due to their financial problems. The new year left MSU with another bowl loss and their basketball team has been winning but far from really being a top 10 school. It's easy spending extra hours in bed on days without work and I have to push myself to keep up on blogging or even reading. In Latin they say leave her on a stormy day so this the calm before the storm.