Friday, September 9, 2011

New Computer 9/9/11

     I am now working on a new computer, a HP Pavilion from Walmart.  I worked 40 hours at Cooley and read 4 books. We went to Grand Haven the next week and Jane and I were alone most of the week that had excellent weather. It was the 10th year at the cottage. We went to the Eastern/Dewitt football game and watched Brandon and Mandy perform with the band. The 27th reunion of the Alvarado family was on the 28th at Hawk Island Park. Luke had to make an appearance in Charlotte at the courthouse for a use charge with his friend Al. Both boys are at MSU and Phillip's classes are at 8 Monday through Thursday requiring a ride. Jane had her meeting with the owners of Fabiano's who offered her and Sharon part time retail sales positions with new work rules and no vacation or sick time. After going over his handwritten rule list Jane asked for that written handbook before she decides if she will return. Bad management is a major problem with our economy and attempts to bring decent jobs. Jane's cousin Rudolf Rosales died last month at 65 and our good friend Bob Tellner died at 82 this week. This summer was the 2nd hottest nationally on record at 74.5 degrees with only 1936, the Dust Bowl year higher. The Detroit Tigers are leading their division and unless there is a total collapse should be in the playoffs. We wait congress' work on the president's jobs plan to stimulate the economy. Hoping there are Americans dedicated to making and keeping this country back on to a fair road of opportunity.