Friday, February 16, 2007

Mrs. Pearsons class revisited

  Yesterday I subbed in Mrs. Pearson's class in the morning.  I had subbed regularly for them last year and this is a looping class so only 2 students were no longer in her class.  When Andrew saw me he said,"Mr. Pratt my dream came true".  He has always liked me and was hoping I would sub for them this year but they had a student teacher so the chances would be rarer for me.  He gave me a big hug and told me not to tell Mrs. Pearson as he didn't hug her.  All the kids were glad to see me and Justin also gave me a hug.  The day before I was at Sheridan Road for gym class and had many students I had subbed for the year before.  I was introduced to crab soccer and the students did a good job on their warm ups and refereeing the game.  It is still very cold  and Monday I was at Reo and they went outside many in tennis shoes and without hats or gloves but as bad as most were they deserved it.  On Valentines day I was with 5th graders at Grand River and they spent the last hour not watching a movie and exchanging cards and candy.  Phillip sent Jane a dozen roses at work, he was proud of himself showing up his dad who is too cheap.  Histopher or Fluffy or Hister is now a regular at staying inside and he loves running around playing with mice, climbing the pole, and watching TV or just lying on the floor in your way.   Jon came home for the weekend and had no problem driving around the Lake Michigan snow drift corner. 

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