Thursday, June 1, 2023

Half a Year has Passed

 November 2022,  Luke ran the Silver Bells 5K in the freezing cold. Jon and Phil and family were here for Thanksgiving and Jane and I went to Valpo the next week for 4 days to watch the boys as Sharon had a conference out of state. My cousin Jim Pratt died and I visited with his family at the funereal home in Grand Ledge. December, we got a new dishwasher and had the floors fixed where they were separating. We had snow just before Christmas and Jon came the 30-31 for our holiday celebration. January 2023, I had my new bridge put in by Dr. Rashid and all is fitting well to the tune of $4,500. On the 16th I took care of my brother Jim as they moved into their new place a block and street away form the old one and the next day Premier tore down the back porch overhang that we feared would fall on it's own to the tune of $3,800 but they finished in less than 2 hours.Jane ended up with another sinus infection which dragged her down for a week. February, Jane and I spent 6 days in Newark as Phil and Stef were in New Zealand. It was cold but Winston got 3 walks a day and we went to Granville one day and the Heath Earthworks Mounds on another. March, was just boring going to Addie's Mondays and Fridays and the Y 3 or 4 times a week. April, we went to Valpo to celebrate birthdays and see the boys in an Easter play at the La Crosse church. On the 21st Jane and I went to the Wharton Center to see Tina courtesy of Jon's early birthday present. Gramma had her 99th birthday and Jane made her a cake and shared it at Addie's then all the drama of Petra taking her to Cristo Rey on Senior's Wednesday for her glorification. Also Gloria was here and Mark and Petra had taken Gramma to the LO-EYE Care for her glasses to be adjusted when they were not supposed to. May, Simon bought a 2018 Buick Enclave from Lansing Motor Cars and finally after 3 weeks got his license and breathalyzer installed so he could start driving on the 30th. We got the washer raised up on a platform so it will drain without back flushing the 7th. All 4 of us went to Newark to see Phil the 2nd weekend and it was a long drive. Jane had a virus that slowed her down for a few days and went for x-rays on her hip and saw a specialist who put her on steroids for the pain in her leg. We celebrated Jane's 70th birthday with German chocolate cupcakes and dinner at Sindhu's Indian restaurant on Sunday. Six months of avoiding writing makes for a dull entry but that is my life now. Gramma is down to 87 pounds and confined to her wheelchair though she still tries to get up once in a while. Petra controls her Tuesdays, Thursdays and Mark has Wednesdays, Saturdays with Andrew on Sundays. She is less aware with some days better than others. It has been 3 weeks since we've had rain and it has been in the upper 80's and 90 today with that lasting through the weekend.

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