Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 A New Start

 WOW, last year I was so caught up in busyness that only 4 quarterly posts were made. This new year I will work at timeliness by being a watchman who is not bitter, hesitant and/or suspicious of the past and living in the present with a heart of wisdom. In early November over 4 days we had new flooring put in the house transforming them to a constant look and feel of a new home. Gramma and Jane got their Covid booster shots the middle of November and I in December. Gramma had her doctors checkup before Christmas and is doing well and though her PT and OT ended in early November they are going to get her more in this new year. I had my follow up with Dr. Hansen and he said my heart looked good in the tests and upped my Carvedilol to 18Mg for my blood pressure. Jon and family were here for Thanksgiving and we went there for Christmas. Unfortunately Jon came down sick on Christmas and found out he had Covid which resulted in positive tests for Lukas and Simon with mild symptoms for both of them and quaranting upstairs for 5 days and us wearing masks in the house.Gramma had stayed at Addie's while we were in Valpo and we needed to protect her as Jane and I tested negative as we all went to MSU stadium for tests with no wait to get them but still needing to be cautious. Jane and I have been going to the Y but she has been wary about going with the Omicron variant spiking numbers of infections. Worldwide there are 288 M cases and 5.44 M deaths, the U.S. 54.7 M cases and 824,000 deaths, Michigan 1.71 M cases and 29,000 deaths as the Omicron variant spreads Covid more quickly but has been less severe but is dangerous to those unvaccinated free willers. Mark has been visiting Gramma at least biweekly since October and Petra has taken her to the Seniors on Wednesday at Cristo Rey twice. The end of November I bought our leased Equinox as there are no deals on new leases and we only had 32,300 miles on it and  it is still worth close to what I paid because of the chip shortage. DeLuca's closed the first weekend of November and Phil wanted us to freeze him some pizzas so we waited in line to order and then go back to get them but it was a sunny day and about a half hour wait. Phillip was here the weekend before Christmas driving up from Ohio. We had a good visit as we had not seen him since May's vacation and he stayed at Andy Wegener's. Jim and Betty did get to go to Florida and we had dinner with them and Linda before they left. MSU won the Peach Bowl 31-21 over Pitt ending their season 11-2 with loses to Purdue and Ohio State.  2022 a new year with new adventures awaiting us ready or not but God will see us through faithfully.

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