Friday, February 4, 2022

2/4/22 13.3 " Snow

   On 2/2/22 we had 13.3 " of snow the most ever for a day in February and 6th most for a winter day in Lansing. January was cold with only 3 days above 32 degrees and only 9 days of sunshine though we missed the major snowstorms that went way south of Michigan.  We also went over 2M Covid cases in Michigan today with 32,600 deaths, the U.S. is at 77M and 900,000 deaths and worldwide 391 M with 5.7M deaths. On 1/15/22 I went digital for the LSJ newspaper as they are trying to get out of the print version by making it very expensive to be delivered. Gramma is having OT again and had podiatry and dental appointments in January and she went to Cristo Rey Seniors with Mark one Wednesday to calm the storm of Petra. I had my dental cleaning at Rashid's with the warning of creeping gingivitis looming if I don't do better with brushing. Lisa and Simon' came over Saturday the 29th to visit Gramma and Elidia came on the 31st for much needed time with her. Bill Parker passed away suddenly on January 24 and we attended his visitation on Sunday the 30th. Jane made almost 50 bacon and black bean tortillas and we took them over to Karen and family that night. Today Chip put in a new vanity and mirrors in our bedroom bathroom and after we paint it a new light fixture. The new year is moving on quickly as we await stabilization in our lives and world.

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